More UFO sightings reports

Mr. Robert Borland reports a U.F.O. observed by at least four people that he knows of seen over Coffs Harbour on 13 th April 1996. North of the jetty area, he observed a bright orange and large lighted object at 7:50 pm. His first impression was that an aircraft was on fire and crashing. At about 1.5 Klm North he saw 3 or 4 balls of flame fall straight down from the object to about 10 metres below the object then go out. Because the object was moving, he got the impression that there was a vacuum under the object, otherwise the flames would have blown backwards because of the air resistance. He called out to two other people to observe the object with him, this they did. By this time it had approached closer and at an altitude of about 600 metres. The flames stopped falling from under the object, but now they could see red and white lights rotating around the top third of the object. He estimated the object to be 10 metres wide, and 4 metres deep, with a speed of between 90 and 110 knots. ( the speed of a two seater Cessna.) It tavelled South to approximately Beacon Hill 2 Klm away, when it turned and went out to sea. No sound was heard. It was 11/2 times larger than a full moon so Coffs Harbour Air Port Control Tower should have seen it. One of the women observing it said that her brother in Gosford said that about 60 people observed the same thing 2 weeks earlier and it was reported in the Gosford newspaper.
Another man and his wife had seen the same thing near Lismore the night before. Mr. Borland suggested that the object may have flown over a flock of birds, and this is what the falling flames may have been.

Mr. Greg Lagerlow was walking on a beach with a friend near Byron Bay in August 1992 at 10:00 pm when they noticed a Flying saucer hovering just four metres above the tree tops on the edge of the beach. The object was about 6 metres back from the beach edge and was about 10 metres in diameter with a dome on top, and an aerial on top of the dome. Along the side of the dome was about 10 port holes. The object was glowing an orange colour, and the light shining through the port holes was a purple / violet colour. It was rotating slowly but did not move during the 10 minute observation, they then walked on further along the beach. Mr. Lagerlow returned to the site one hour later, but the object had gone.

Mr. B. was fishing at the ô Devils Elbow ô near Mullumbimby some years ago, when he had a ô close encounter ô with a U.F.O. The disc shaped craft was rotating and seemed to be observing him. He quickly removed his boat from the water and left the area. Mr. B. also told me that back in 1984-85 on Christmas Day a U.F.O. passed over Mullumbimby and the whole town experienced a mysterious blackout.

Mrs. Nola Long with seven lady friends were spending a day out in the Lillian Rocks area situated 14 Klm past Nimbin, North of Lismore on the 1 st January 1996. It was a fine sunny day with a few light clouds in the sky. They all went for a walk along a walking track and after a while two of the ladies decided to sit down on a bench seat to rest. The remaining six continued on a little further down the track when they suddenly became aware of the unusual cloud formations ahead of them. There was one group of four Lenticular ô clouds ô in the shape of U.F.O.Æs quite large in size. And to the right and further away. There was a second group of three smaller U.F.O. shaped clouds. Also to the right adjacent to them, there was a huge cigar shaper ô mother ship ô cloud formation half hidden behind a rocky bluff. They just stopped and stared for a few minutes, then realising what they may be looking at they all waved at them saying ô we know what you are ! ô These cloud formations were not moving at all, unlike the other clouds in the sky. Mrs. Long said ô that their ( the six women ) behaviour was rather odd ô, because they did not call to the other two women to come and have a look. ô It was as if it was just for us six to see it ô Mrs Long said. When they casually walked back past the two seated women they said without stopping, ô we just saw a group of U.F.O.Æs ô The two seated women were amazed. Then on the journey home, both car loads of women saw another of the larger ô clouds ô to their left over a valley. They said that it was a ô lovely experience ô.

Mr. O. was fishing in his boat in the Clarence River near Palmers Island Yamba in late February 1996 at around 9:30 pm. He suddenly noticed a strange light to the East. ô It looked like a Neon light orange / red and sometimes blue in colour. It ô floated ô downwards slowly, then moved up again and turned. Suddenly it switched off ô he said. Mr. O. then quickly loaded his boat onto the trailer and went home. ô I was spooked by the incident ô he said.

In September or October of 1995 a Mr. L.. of Grafton observed a group of white lights over Myrtle Creek at 8:00 pm. They were about 6 metres long and only 100 metres in altitude. They passed overhead quite quickly.

An anonymous lady from South Ballina reported that she had observed a bright unusual light early one morning in March 1996. She first noticed the light at 3:44 am, and when she went back to bed the time was 3:50 am. ô It did not seem that long ô she said. Then the following Thursday evening at 2:30 am, she suddenly awoke and looked out of the bedroom window to see a bright yellow / white light. ô It dropped down out of the sky and stopped just above the sugar cane fields. It moved around for a while until I lost sight of it ô, she told me.

Mrs. C. of Casino reported the sighting of a large bright white light at low altitude over Casino at 7:00 pm Friday 19 th April. The light dispersed several smaller green lights from it, and seemed to go down to almost ground level to the East of her. She rang friends who lived in that direction, and they went outside and also observed the object. There was an aircraft in the vicinity at the time and ô he should have seen it to ô she said. The ô Northern Star ô newspaper wrote an article of the sighting.

An anonymous lady reported that in 1974 at Tatham, north east of Lismore, that there were many U.F.O.Æs seen in the area at that time. And at 10:00 pm one night a U.F.O. lit the whole inside of their house up for a short while. There were three people in the house at the time.

Mr. B. of Port Macquarie had friends visiting from Canberra in January 1996. Mr. B. was telling them about the strange lights that he and his son were watching the night before out over the ocean. There were two bright orange lights side-by-side on a horizontal plane. They were observed three times at 3 and 20 minute intervals. Mr. B. noticed a ô port hole ô from which the light seemed to by coming from, but could not discern any outline of a craft. The lights then suddenly switched off for about 7 seconds before returning again. His neighbours were also observing the strange lights through binoculars. Mr. BÆs son then noticed a white light like a star moving very fast just above the horizon. This light then moved in towards the coast and they observed it for some time. The night when the visitors were there, the lights returned, but this time they were in a vertical plane. A few fishermen on the beach were also observing the strange lights. Mr. B.Æs friend got his video camera and filmed about 80 seconds of the light. I have seen this video and a frame by frame sequence reveals a light that changes form, size and colour very rapidly. Each frame being 1/ 25 th of a second, the changes were rapid. A couple of the most interesting frames will be computer enhanced to see what form this light really is.

Mr. B. also told me of a sighting a friend of his had some years ago. While driving by the lake at Williamstown N.S.W. he observed at close range a U.F.O. hovering over the lake. A huge brilliant light was shining below the object, and he observed the object drawing water into the craft from the lake. He was quite unnerved by the sighting and did not tell many people about what he had witnessed.

In mid April 1996, a group of telephonists from the Armidale Exchange while on a tea break, reported seeing three separate red lights over Armidale. I asked them to observe the lights for as long as they could to see if they were associated, or reacted with one another in some way. Awaiting details.

Mrs. B. from Sydney reported a sighting of 1974. Looking into the southern evening sky just on Dusk, she and her eight year old daughter observed six white lights in formation high in the sky. They were in the shape of a triangle, with one at the top, two underneath and another three in line underneath to form a triangle. Mrs. B. watched them and said to her daughter ô do you see anything up there in the sky ?ö as she pointed in the direction of the lights. ô yes mummy ô was the reply. ô They are pretty arenÆt they?ö replied the eight year old. Suddenly the three bottom lights went out, then the two centre lights went out and the single top light shot up into the air and out of sight. She rang Radio Station 2GB to enquire if anyone else had reported them, they said no reports had come in. The next day, Talk back announcer Mr. John Pearce phoned Mrs. B. and asked of her sighting. When asked by Mr. Pearce ô who do you think was in control of these lights ?ö Mrs. B. said ô maybe little green men ô. Mrs. B. said that was all that Mr. Pearce needed, and began to ridicule the whole thing. Even people in the street that knew Mrs. B. were making fun of the incident.
( People certainly have a lot to learn donÆt they. ed.) Mrs. B. later heard that another lady in the Sydney suburb of Panania also had seen the same thing. She now felt a lot better about the whole affair.

Mrs. C. of Coffs Harbour reported bright white lights seen in the area on the night of Tuesday 19 th March 1996.

Linda reported that some years ago when she was with her family driving in the central Queensland area of Chinchilla, that they had a ô close encounter ô with a U.F.O. It came very close to the car, so they sped off as quickly as they could. They choose not to speak of the incident to this day.

An elderly gentleman from Sydney reportet two possible U.F.O. sightings he had witnessed over the yeas. The first was when he was driving in the Sydney suburb of Oyster Bay in 1972 at 8:00 pm. He noticed a yellowish white light in the overcast night sky. The light was slowly drifting towards the west at an altitude of about 250 metres, heading towards the Warranora River and Lucus Heights, site of the Atomic reactor. He observed the same looking light again two weeks later. He said is definatly was not an aircraft.

Then in the 1980Æs ( he could not remember the exact year ) while looking in the direction of the City of Sydney from his suburban home, he noticed a group of unusual lights in the night sky. The lights were in the formation of a square. The leading single light, with the others following in the formation of a square. He estimated each light to be 1 klm apart. The formation flew towards Mascot Airport, so he phoned them to see if they had seen the formation. They said they had not seen those lights, but do receive many calls from people who report seeing strange lights over the city.

Mrs. J. J. phoned me to explain the sighting that her late husband had written down for her....On the evening of 22 nd. September 1980 at 7:30 pm. while driving his truck south along the New England Highway 5 Klm from Blandford. He was watching another semi-trailer approaching towards him in the distence, when he suddenly became aware of a golw in the tree tops 200 metres ahead of him to the right of the highway. He thought it was a bush fire. But as he approached the location of the glow, he could not see any sign of a fire, but did see something unusual. Emerging from the tree tops, he observed a group of about 20 coloured lights that crossed the highway. The lights were vibrant colours of blue, green, yellow and orange, with some paler colours. He could not see any form, shape, outline or fusilage, and it made no noise, ruleing out a plane. At one stage he was leaning over the steering wheel, looking up underneath the lights that were now almost directly overhead and only 30 metres from him. He estimated the speed of the group of lights as they arossed the highway to be 20 Klm per hour as they headed of just above tree top to the left of the road, and overall size to be of two large cars side-by-side. By this time the approaching semi-trailer was passing, and Mr. J. said that he must have seen them as well by the way he swerved to the side of the road. As Mr. J. slowed to a stop, he could still see them through the trees. But they seemed further away then they should have been if still moving at the speed that they crossed the road. The group of lights now took on a different apperance. They had changed to a horizontal bar of pure red light, about the size of 2/3Æs of a cigarette held at arms length. Then it suddenly moved out of sight at high speed. ô It had a beautiful floating quality ô said Mr. J.

A Police sargent from Sydney reported an unusual large bright orange light moving over Sydney on the 13 th. June 1994. When leaving a friends home at 2:10 am. the two of them observed what they first thought was an aircraft approaching their position. There was no decernable noise, and the bright orange apperance drew their attention to the light. Moving at an altitude of around 600 metres, and at a speed of around 60 knots,being about 20 knots slower than light aircraft rotation speed for becoming airborne. It was heading east towards the city of Sydney. As it approached, they observed its triangular shape about the size of a Cessna aircraft. The whole triangular shaped surface area was illuminated bright orange. They watched for 3 minutes until it went out of sight over the Potts Hill Water Board Reservoir. According to a Sydney based U.F.O. Researcher, a similar sighting was reported at 8:30 pm. that same night over the Eastern suburbs of Sydney.

Just outside of Kyogle near the small communtiy of Geneva, a strange bright orange light was seen travelling very quickly, and sounding like a jet aircraft, but did not behave like one. It was seen to come down on three seperate occasions in a short time in the same location. This sighting was first reported to the ô Northern Star ô newspaper, but unfortunatly the lady that reported it can not be recontacted for further details for my research. The actual location that it came down would be interesting to look at.

A lady phoned me at 7:00 pm 19 th April 1996 to tell me of a strange thing that she had just seen 20 minutes beforehand. She lives in the Sutherland area of Sydney, and went outside to check the washing on the line. She suddenly noticed a group of single white lights flying as one in a ô V ô formation, or Boomerang formation. She wanted to know if they were U.F.OÆs. I said that they were, because there has been a lot of this type of formation seen lately. A few minutes later she rang me back, and I could tell from her voice that she was disturbed by something. She said that she had gone back outside to remove the cloths from the line, but she noticed something strange. All of the cloths had been moved on the line. Some were hanging upside down, others were moved and repegged because she could see the original peg marks. And there were gaps between the cloths as if some were missing, but nothing was. She said that she is very particular about how she hangs her washing, and that something was strange here. On questioning the family, no explanation could be reached as to how this could have happened.

An anonymous lady rang me to report a U.F.O. that had followed their car. It was late one night when a group of friends in two cars were travelling along a bush road between Ulmarra and Corindi in the Grafton area. The first car load of young people decided to go ahead of the second car and wait for them further along the road. The second car of four persons suddenly noticed following behind them on a straight stretch of road, two bright lights. Thinking it may be a truck approaching, they took caution and were going to let it overtake them. Suddenly, the two lights approached them at rapid speed, getting larger and brighter. They thought that the truck was going to run over them. But it was not a truck, for there was no noise, or anything else visible that suggested a truck. They pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the car. The two lights suddenly veered off the road and into bush land. They were quite unnerved about what had just happened and after an estimated five minutes continued their journey. When they eventually caught up with their friends, they said to the second car group ô what took you so long ?ô They do not recall whether anything unusual happened other than what they described.

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